Super-advanced packing list! …and some other tips


Here I’d like to share a packing list with several useful tips for a yearlong stay! (I’m a woman so obviously it’s a girly list, but men should be able to find in some inspiration as well!)

1. Think of your first days! You should bring with you bits of everything in case you won’t be able to go shopping for the first few days.

2. As for food, there will always be a shop somewhere near you, but a cup of tea or a coffee could come in handy. I recommend taking with you a few teabags or an instant coffee and some sweetener in case you like it sweet 😉 It may make your first days before you settle down much more enjoyable.

3. I also brought with me my favourite spices for cooking. Some say it may be difficult to find them in your local shop and because they weight so little, why not bring them from home?

Cranfield_university-packing_tips14. Consider whatever you’d like to try buying abroad. If you are interested in the local haircare products, pack with you just a few samples of it. In England drugstore products cost about the same as everywhere around Europe so you might find it interesting to try some local brands of shampoos, makeup removers, eyeshadows and so on… And it goes the same with everything else. No need to mention it saves the space in your luggage.

Then there are some things you like the same all the time. By saving space in your luggage you could manage to pack with you as much as you want (Sanitary napkins in my case…).

5. Especially for women who tend to bring too many unnecessary things I recommend: watch the weight! And consider things carefully… For example do you really need a hair dryer? And three different scarfs just because the colours are so cute? Personally I try to fit into 15 kg because that’s the comfortable limit for me. I can lift the luggage without problem and the size of it is bearable.

6. In the end I would recommend that you bring as many things that you want to get rid of as possible. It makes sense especially if you want to buy yourself something nice without excuses 😉 For example old clothes (trousers, socks), shoes, writing accessories…

For some people my packing list may seem a bit odd but remember please, I have a strict budget and want to cook for myself… that hopefully explains that plastic salt caster 😀


I prepared two versions of the list:

  • Excel File where you can write all the weights and get a clear picture of how you’re doing.
  • PDF File that you can print out and check whether you didn’t forget anything.

Hope you like it!


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